What is the DSD?

The “Deutsches Sprachdiplom der Kultusministerkonferenz” (DSD) is the only programme of the Federal Republic of Germany for German as a second language abroad. The “Deutsche Sprachdiplom” of the KMK can be acquired with an exam following several years of German lessons.
Why would I need a Deutsches Sprachdiplom?
• equivalent to B1 level of the European Reference Framework for languages
• certifies that a student has reached a level German language proficiency that is required for entry to a “Studienkolleg” in preparation for attending a university in Germany
• equivalent to B2/C1 level of the European Reference Framework
• certifies that the graduate has reached a language level in German that is required to study at a university in Germany
Please note that a German passport and high proficiency of German does not give you automatically access to German universities. The DSD is required when you are considered a “Bildungsausländer” , i.e. if you have not acquired the “Hochschulreife / Abitur” in Germany.
More Info
Currently there are about 80.000 students in over 70 countries participating in the exams each year. Altogether about 950 schools are accredited by the steering committee of the Deutsches Sprachdiplom worldwide.
Deutschstunde Inc. is one of very few schools in Australia offering this certification.
Check out the Bundesverwaltungsamt Website for details on this certification.

“Deutschstunde” is a Community Language School accredited to offer the German Language Certificate.
DSD Classes and Exams
We facilitate not only language acquisition, but work and exam strategies that are characteristic for a German learning environment: Problem-oriented discussion, self-motivated and project focused learning, competent and effective communication in language acquisition. These skills are essential for studying at German Universities.
Examination Parts:
Reading Comprehension, Listening Comprehension, Written Communication, Oral Communication
Types of Questions:
Multiple choice, matching, cloze-passage, true-false, written text production, presentation, dialogue
Where to take the exam:
Examinations can be taken at accredited DSD schools only (Enrolled students only).
written components of the examinations are assessed in Germany
Levels of proficiency of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR):
A1: The student can understand and form basic sentences, express specific needs, ask and answer questions about personal details.
A2: The student can communicate about simple and routine situations and exchange information on familiar matters.
B1: The student can produce simple connected texts about familiar interest areas and give reasons and explanations for dreams, hopes, plans and opinions.
B2: The student can understand complex texts about abstract topics and follow discussions in his or her field of specialisation; can express themselves fluently and spontaneously and give the advantages and disadvantages of various options.
C1: The student can recognise implicit meaning and express themselves fluently and spontaneously; can comment on complex subjects, using organisational patterns and cohesive devices.
C2: The student can understand virtually everything with ease, express themselves very fluently and spontaneously and differentiates finer shades of meaning even when commenting on more complex issues.
The Exam
Reading Part 2
This section tests the candidates reading comprehension with different writings.
Listening Part 2
In this section, several recordings will test the listening comprehension. The listening section includes a dialogue, a monologue, and audio sequences.
Writing Part 3
Writing PaProve writing skills by tackling central questions and sample texts. This section has to be completed in a certain time.
Speaking Part 4
Deliver a monologue on given keywords and answer relevant questions. The second part consists of a monologue delivered on a chosen subject, followed by discussion of the presented subject.